Exclusive Forex
Banking Solution

What we offer

Africorp Treasury offers exclusive benefits to pre-qualified clients through our Treasury Outsource Solution in partnership with Investec and select banking partners.

Our solution is designed to be both efficient and unmatched in the market, leveraging direct access to specialist banking teams and our deep expertise in South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and South African Revenue Service (SARS) regulations.

This service is perfectly suited for South African individuals and corporates requiring support with regular international remittances or special approvals for larger transactions.

3-Step Forex Solution


Open Your Account In Less Than 48 Hours


Transfer Funds To Your Account


Convert Currency And Move Funds Offshore

Tailored Solutions For

South African Entities and Residents

Remitting/Investing funds offshore

South Africans Abroad

Remitting funds offshore or sending funds home

South African Financial Tax Emigrants

Remitting remaining liquid assets offshore or re-investing in South Africa

Foreign Temporary Residents

Investing in South Africa during your stay/ remitting funds in or out of South Africa

Foreign Temporary Residents

Who have returned home (exited South Africa)

Foreign Residents

Investing in South Africa while living abroad

South African and Foreign Entities

Remitting/ Investing funds offshore

Approval for International Transfer


SARB Compliance

For High-Value Transactions


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